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Teacher dishonesty.

2 posters

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1Teacher dishonesty. Empty Teacher dishonesty. Sat Apr 23, 2016 4:48 pm

Arresto Menor

We have our teacher in our school. She collected us 2,500 Ph pesos. We supposed to use that collected money to our educational tour in our class to her. But then, it was postponed, postponed and postponed. Until the semester end, we did not able to have our educational tour. Then, we asked her to refund our payments but its already three months but she was still not able to give it to us? What suppose we do to her and to our school? We did to asked our school administration to assist and help us with this concern but they answer us " WE DON'T HAVE ANY RESPONSIBILITY WITH YOUR CONCERNS CAUSE WE TERMINATED HER CONTRACT WITH THE SCHOOL". It is an act of unprofessional. We cannot afford to have lawyer so we are asking your legal assistance. Thank u.

2Teacher dishonesty. Empty Re: Teacher dishonesty. Wed May 18, 2016 8:08 pm


Reclusion Perpetua

You may go to the nearest Public Attorney's Office in a City or Municipal hall and ask for assistance in filing a civil case for collection of sum of money in a small claims court. Address all the issues that you need to address with the PAO, as well, if there are other cases you wish to file against the teacher. If you have sufficient evidence, this may even be considered an administrative matter for the DepEd (or CHED/PRC) to take cognizance of since pwede nilang suspendihin yung license ng teacher to teach.

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