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OVERTIME RULE in Construction

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1OVERTIME RULE in Construction  Empty OVERTIME RULE in Construction Wed Apr 06, 2016 11:06 am


Arresto Menor

Good day fellows.

I would like to ask what are the rules with regards to rendering overtime. Right now our situation is like this:

- Our working time is 7:30 AM - 5:00 PM
- we have 1 hours break either 5:00PM - 6:00 PM or 6:00PM - 7:00 PM depending on the work to be done.
- We have an Overtime request form for up to 4 hours but if its beyond 4 hours like during our concrete pouring works that takes until longer more than 16 hours OT.

- Like I said we in 7:30 AM but sometimes our employee will time out at 8:00AM the next day then they report again at 1:00PM in the afternoon while others will not work.

- In order not to be technical with DOLE what are the possible options legally?

- Are we allowed to render more than 4 hours OT?
- If we go more than 4 hours OT today are not allowed to time in the next day at 7:30 AM? lets day we time out at 2:00AM or 3:00AM then time in again at 7:30AM which is our regular schedule.
- In matters that we time out at 8:00 AM are we allowed to time in half day 1:00 PM - 5:00 PM or until 10:00PM so make it 8 hours work.
- If employee will not work that day because he rendered more than 4 hours OT is he/she be liable for AWOL if he does not file a leave of absence for the reason that we have concrete pouring?

What should be the structure of the OT in order not to be technical please advice us.

Thank you sobra!

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