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annual leave conversion

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1annual leave conversion Empty annual leave conversion Mon Jan 11, 2016 4:50 pm


Arresto Menor

Hi.. I need help in clarifying standard law on leave conversion.. In our company, a max of 10 unused leaves from the previous year gets paid every march of the current year, or gets included in the backpay if employee resigns before the payout date.. If there's more than 10, the rest can be used until june of the current year.. However, according to new 'policy' for separated/resigned employees, computation is remaining leave credits minus used leave credits will be converted, not exceeding 5 days.. In my case, i used up 23.5 of my 30 days for 2015.. I should still have 6.5 for conversion but was told that im not getting any of it since i'll be resigning by february.. I also cant use it anymore because they already 'locked' in preparation for march.. Is this not against the law?

2annual leave conversion Empty Re: annual leave conversion Mon Jan 11, 2016 5:54 pm


Reclusion Temporal

5 days is the minimum number of convertible leaves under the law. If they wont allow you to use it, then they should include it in your backpay upon resignation

3annual leave conversion Empty Re: annual leave conversion Tue Jan 12, 2016 3:06 pm


Arresto Menor

So sir, does that mean that i can file a complaint if they refuse to do so? And assuming that they follow the law and agree to pay 5, can i still insist for them to let me use the remaining 1.5 as part of my terminal leave? Thank you! Smile

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