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Land inherited

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1Land inherited Empty Land inherited Fri Nov 06, 2015 12:30 pm

Arresto Menor

Good morning! Want to seek advice regarding my father’s inherited land. The said land was under hearing waiting for the decision for so many years. The court was fired, including all the papers. We get a new attorney and since we have no money at that time, my father offered him to give a 100 sq. M. (portion of land inherited) for payment (by the way the attorney I am speaking of is the one who bought from my Grandparents a 200 sq.m. and promise to pay PHP80,000 or 400/Sq. Meters are paid only 40,000 and never paid for 100 sq. meters) so they decided to pay him the 100 sq. M. In exchange for him handle the case. But since then the said attorney kept on going to other country so my parent had no choice but to get and paid for other attorneys service. In short, the whole case where going, but the said attorney we are engaging in is not always the one who handle our case and now the case is over and we won but we have an another case handle vs. Illegal settlers (same land). The said attorney already wants to get the land my father promised to him for sale but my father disapproved because the case is not over because there is still an illegal settlers in the land. Did my father have a right to disapproved in this case (because this attorney invited my father to talk in court)? By the way the land title still belongs to my grandfather who is deceased already. Thanks in advANCE

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