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training/official work/dispatch and assign to other company

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Reclusion Perpetua

heres the scenario

ages from 17,18,19 (high school grad only)

1. 1 year training for technical skills like manual drafting  and design (with php100/day alowans)

2. another year of training for Autocadd and some engineering manner (php200/day)  nag increase naman:)

3. the 3rd year will be assign on official project and job which is nasa technical ang nature ng work. using autocadd and some advance drawing software for engineering design (php456/day)

4. assign and demob into another company but stil under the mother company. parang sub-contractor status. with php520/day salary

may iregulatory ba dito ang mother company regarding to there age ng mag training?

and regarding sa function ng mga bata after trainings and now officially working na and also to consider there school attainment (h.s)

bottomline is nakikipag sabayan na sa mga degree individuals ang mga bata na nag training ng software and skills. but still there salary is above mentioned.


13th month pay
5 days of leave w/pay

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