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My Friend needs help

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1 My Friend needs help Empty My Friend needs help Tue Nov 23, 2010 12:51 am


Arresto Menor

this night I was really searching for online help after my best friend told me what had happened to her sister who is also a good friend of mine.

This may sound so hopeless but still I am aiming for an advice, Her sister is being harassed , sexually abused and often beaten. Her husband a known drug user is going crazy, yes indeed exactly as what I said crazy and out of control, he would take pictures of her vagina to check whether somebody is having sex with her, one time he bring her to a doctor for an examination if she had contact with other people, with out enough reasons he would just start to beat her and as if he is enjoying the scene.

So the family ,and my friend together with another concerned neighbor went to her sisters province to take her home, they went first to the police to ask advised and support, the problem now is that her sister is not interested in filing charges against her husband as a result they can't forced her to come home because they can not file a complain unless her sister would cooperate with it.
Later did they know that it was all because her sisters husband is threatening her sister , scaring her that he will kill the whole family if she did left him, which I guess and every one thinks he really can because of his behavior. and now it had been almost 2 months that they have not heard anything from her sister, all means of communication has been cut off, cellphones where confiscated, and even landlines were changed, they worry too much specially that there are kids ages 7 & 5.. Now I want to know if the family can sue the husband in behalf of their sister ,because for some reasons they believed that their sister is not in good condition to decide for herself due to trauma and abuse.

The placed is a bit far which needs 12 hrs travel


2 My Friend needs help Empty Re: My Friend needs help Wed Nov 24, 2010 9:22 pm



under ra 9262, any person can be the complainant, BUT without the wife's assistance or even against her will, will you have the evidence to prove the claim she is being abused?

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