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friend needs help

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1friend needs help Empty friend needs help Sat Dec 25, 2010 2:49 am


Arresto Menor

a friend called me yesterday.he recently ended his engagement with his fiancee.she used to live with him in his house,he asked her to leave but she won` he told her he will change the key locks and she came with the police and they hold him she can question now is can she stay there? he is the owner of the house.he is in california and the police told him it is her right to live there.they are not married or something and i never heard such a thing.any advices or experiences?


2friend needs help Empty Re: friend needs help Sat Dec 25, 2010 6:07 pm



sorry, just to be sure, the property is here in the philippines?

3friend needs help Empty Re: friend needs help Sun Dec 26, 2010 5:54 am


Arresto Menor


Here no matter what type of accident you were injured in, it is very important that your personal injury attorney understands what your injury really is, how it should be treated and help you find the most qualified medical help.
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4friend needs help Empty Re: friend needs help Mon Feb 21, 2011 1:09 pm


Arresto Menor

good day po,
i was charged simple imprudence resulting to damaged to property together with my employer/owner of the company then by the owner of the car i accidentally hit due to brake failure that i reported to the maintenance dept but they insist me to make a trip,in 2005 the company was closed and the owner/employer died in 2007,what will happen to the case and to me,what should i do to clear me

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