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A Friend Needs Help

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1A Friend Needs Help Empty A Friend Needs Help Mon Aug 06, 2012 1:54 pm

crying angel

Arresto Menor

My friend needs legal advise please. Atty, my friend's husband is in a rehab shelter right now...and she just learned that the signed petitioner is the mistress. She wanted to communicate to her husband because she knows her husband needs her but according to the management of the shelter, only the petitioner has the permission to communicate and visit him. And I think the mistress is manipulating the situation to block her from talking to her husband. FYI, my friend is working abroad right now that's why it's hard for her to make decisions...she's the legal wife...and she wanted to atleast give her the right to communicate with her husband. Can she file a petition against the shelter or the mistress?

2A Friend Needs Help Empty Re: A Friend Needs Help Mon Aug 06, 2012 3:50 pm


Arresto Mayor

Against the shelter. just show them the marriage contract na NSO certified. she should talk to the parents too kung nasa abroad sya para to set the details.

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