NLRC Chairman issues Administrative Order which states that failure to attend the 2 mandatory conferences shall result in a waiver to file position paper.
Is this correct? The respondents never showed up for the 2 mediation and the 2 mandatory conferences and even a 3rd one which the arbiter allowed to give chance to the respondent! I attended all of them. But when it came to filing the position papers, respondent's counsel was allowed to submit and the admin officer even threatened me that my case was almost dismissed because I was an hour late in submitting my own paper! It was the first time I was late and I get the threats while the respondents were given extra chances and allowed to submit position papers?
I don't have any lawyers coz I can hardly afford to get by every week with my loss of income so should I call out the arbiter on this technicality? I feel like the arbiter is really leaning on the side of the respondents especially when I got inside info from my ex-company that my ex-boss is looking for someone in NLRC that he could pay up.
Really need your opinion on this. Thanks