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preventive suspension to dismissal

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1preventive suspension to dismissal Empty preventive suspension to dismissal Mon Feb 23, 2015 9:13 am


Arresto Menor

I have a problem with my work, I handle feasibility studies which I collect 3,300 pesos per group. this amount is use to pay the adviser, panelist, editor and financial aspect assistant. It is a practice ever since that the adviser which is the teacher is the one to collect the fees, we do not have institutional policy directing us to submit to the accounting office. This is the case where our human resource management and vpaa give me a memo saying that their is a allegation against me about the feasibility study that I handle. So I ask my students but no one of my students complaints against of subject. I have receive the notice since October 28, 2014 and I give all the necessary document they need. I was also called to the Grievance committee. Then suddenly just this January 21, I received a preventive suspension of 15 days with pay then Feb. 5 I received another extension of my preventive suspension with pay.

I was inform today that their is already a decision that it is a dismissal. Your honor's can this be ground for dismissal?

2preventive suspension to dismissal Empty Re: preventive suspension to dismissal Mon Feb 23, 2015 9:51 am


Reclusion Perpetua

GHENCARPIO wrote:I have a problem with my work, I handle feasibility studies which I collect 3,300 pesos per group. this amount is use to pay the adviser, panelist, editor and financial aspect assistant. It is a practice ever since that the  adviser which is the teacher is the one to collect the fees, we do not have institutional policy directing us to submit to the accounting office. This is the case where our human resource management and  vpaa give me a memo saying that their is a allegation against me about the feasibility study that I handle. So I ask my students but no one of my students complaints against of subject. I have receive the notice since October 28, 2014 and I give all the necessary document they need. I was also called to the Grievance committee. Then suddenly just this January 21, I received a preventive suspension of 15 days with pay then Feb. 5 I received another extension of my preventive suspension with pay.

I was inform today that their is already a decision that it is a dismissal.  Your honor's can this be ground for dismissal?

There should be a hearing first before any decision can be made.

3preventive suspension to dismissal Empty Re: preventive suspension to dismissal Tue Feb 24, 2015 11:23 am


Arresto Menor

but their is no hearing happen, what I remember is I was just called in the Grievance Committee last November to answer the allegations

4preventive suspension to dismissal Empty Re: preventive suspension to dismissal Tue Feb 24, 2015 2:03 pm


Reclusion Perpetua

GHENCARPIO wrote:but their is no hearing happen, what I remember is I was just called in the Grievance Committee last November to answer the allegations

In writing ba ang paliwanag?

At the start were you given a notice to explain?
Did you submit an explanation?

5preventive suspension to dismissal Empty Re: preventive suspension to dismissal Tue Feb 24, 2015 2:30 pm


Arresto Menor

yes, I submitted all the necessary document that they ask me to submit

6preventive suspension to dismissal Empty Re: preventive suspension to dismissal Tue Feb 24, 2015 2:39 pm


Arresto Menor

yap in writing po un paliwanag k

7preventive suspension to dismissal Empty Re: preventive suspension to dismissal Tue Feb 24, 2015 4:13 pm


Reclusion Perpetua

GHENCARPIO wrote:yap in writing po un paliwanag k

Could you put down the date of these events from the start of the case?

1. Notice to Explain -
2. Submission of Written Explanation
3. Called by Grievance Committee

8preventive suspension to dismissal Empty Re: preventive suspension to dismissal Tue Feb 24, 2015 5:33 pm


Arresto Menor

1. Notice to Explain - memo dated october 28, 2014
2. Submission of Written Explanation- nov.6, 2014 ( i was given 5 days upon receipt to explain to the shed light on alleged issues brought out)
3. Called by Grievance Committee- Nov. 13, 2014

9preventive suspension to dismissal Empty Re: preventive suspension to dismissal Tue Feb 24, 2015 5:47 pm


Reclusion Perpetua

GHENCARPIO wrote:1. Notice to Explain - memo dated october 28, 2014
2. Submission of Written Explanation- nov.6, 2014 ( i was given 5 days upon receipt to explain to the shed light on alleged issues brought out)
3. Called by Grievance Committee- Nov. 13, 2014

What did you do when you were called by the GC?

Kinausap ka nila? Nanghingi ng iba pang detalye? Nilinaw ang ibang paliwanag na binigay mo?

Ano ang sinabi pagkatapos nyo magkita ng GC?

10preventive suspension to dismissal Empty Re: preventive suspension to dismissal Wed Feb 25, 2015 9:15 pm


Arresto Menor

I answer all their inquiries and question, yap they talk to me, give more details, clear po lahat. but after the answer i give. until now d p rin implement un dismissal decision

11preventive suspension to dismissal Empty Re: preventive suspension to dismissal Thu Feb 26, 2015 4:36 am


Reclusion Perpetua

GHENCARPIO wrote:I answer all their inquiries and question, yap they talk to me, give more details, clear po lahat. but after the answer i give. until now d p rin implement un dismissal decision

So naka preventive suspension ka pa rin?

Kinausap mo na ba sila tungkol dyan sa kaso mo?

Tanungin mo kung bakit wala pang decision dahil masyadong matagal na yan.

12preventive suspension to dismissal Empty Re: preventive suspension to dismissal Thu Feb 26, 2015 8:29 am


Arresto Menor

yap preventive suspension with pay until this feb 26, still waiting for the decision

we cant go to school, baka ma technical ako,. but i fdecision still not be served, well pasok n ako ng monday

13preventive suspension to dismissal Empty Re: preventive suspension to dismissal Thu Feb 26, 2015 9:28 am


Reclusion Perpetua

GHENCARPIO wrote:yap preventive suspension with pay until this feb 26, still waiting for the decision

we cant go to school, baka ma technical ako,. but i fdecision still not be served, well pasok n ako ng monday

Pwede ka pumunta kahit kailan para magtanong, hindi ka naman pupunta para magtrabaho.

14preventive suspension to dismissal Empty Re: preventive suspension to dismissal Thu Feb 26, 2015 10:23 am


Arresto Menor

wait k muna un letter today and tomorrow, then pag wala punta n ako school

15preventive suspension to dismissal Empty Re: preventive suspension to dismissal Thu Feb 26, 2015 10:49 am


Reclusion Perpetua

GHENCARPIO wrote:wait k muna un letter today and tomorrow, then pag wala punta n ako school

Hanggang ngayon lang ang PS so dapat bukas ng umaga pumunta ka na.

16preventive suspension to dismissal Empty Re: preventive suspension to dismissal Sat Feb 28, 2015 12:01 pm


Arresto Menor

I have received the letter of dismissal and also the allegations,.. it make me sick,. I fell i become a sacrifice with the fault of other person, the truth is nadamay lng ako, Im looking forward to talk to the owner, before I decide to go to NLRC

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