I am a mistress because my fb is not yet annulled. Our relationship happened here in Dubai. When my bf was still here in Dubai he admitted our relationship to his wife through chat in the ym but when my bf returned to the Philippines, he found out thru several txt msgs from his wife’s phone that she also has her paramours not just one but two and in her txt msgs she informed her lovers that the annulment case between her and her husband is already on-going. the wife is now threatening to use the chat conversation in the ym as evidence against my bf for VAWC thru psychological abuse if my bf would file a case against her on the ground of adultery.
My questions are:
a. Would VAWC prosper in the Philippines even if the infidelity happened outside the Philippine territory?
b. Are chat msgs and txt msgs be enough proofs of infidelity? E.g. txt msg of his wife to is lover: “don’t worry its safe because im taking pills and angPT na ako, negative naman, di ko kasi sya matanggihan” ==d wife has two lovers
The only confession made by my bf to his wife is: I love her and I cannot afford to lose her.
c. the wife will be coming here to Dubai to work, if an adultery case will be filed, can she be summoned to come back to the Philippines?
I hope you can help me with this.