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Unregistered Apartment Rental Business

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1Unregistered Apartment Rental Business Empty Unregistered Apartment Rental Business Mon Nov 24, 2014 12:21 pm


Arresto Menor

Good day!

I would like to seek some advise as to what actions should we take regarding some issues we had with our Lessor, and fraud that she had committed. Some of these were:

1. We found out that the 3-door apartment business is neither registered with SEC, DTI or BIR. Admitted by the Lessor in one of our arguments with them.

2. The owner had been issuing very old printed 'official receipts' which we doubt if it is still authorized for use by the BIR and other related government agencies.

We had repeatedly brought to her attention that her official receipts were very old and should no longer be use. Thus, must be renewed with BIR to have new receipts printed out. The owner said that she just using the remaining receipts and will soon have new ones printed. In which it hasn't happened yet.

3. In some incidents that occurred in the past, the owner had charged us double. The owner claimed that she did not received the rental fee. We contested the said claim but the owner would always include the so called "unpaid dues" in the succeeding receipts as unsettled. As a result of this experienced, we prepared a document, where we had asked the owner to sign upon receipt of the monthly rental fee to avoid occurrence of the same incident. In the document, it indicated the amount received, the official receipt number, and date when the payment was received. The owner comply with this request in the beginning, but had recently stopped. She insist that official receipts were enough to prove receipt of payment, and that they she finds it insulting that we do not trust them.

4. Several times we had to shoulder the expenses for repairs in the house were the damages was not our fault.

We had been renting the apartment for 31 years and had no unpaid dues with her. And had maintained the good condition of the apartment. In fact, we just had it repainted. But recently we received a notice to vacate the apartment.

Meanwhile, the tenant on the 3rd door apartment had several months of unsettled dues with her but were not asked to move out.

Thank you for your time, and I'm looking forward to hear from you.



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