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Problem regarding an apartment rental

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1Problem regarding an apartment rental  Empty Problem regarding an apartment rental Thu Nov 24, 2011 10:57 am


Arresto Menor

I would really appreciate some advice on this matter please, as soon as possible if you can. I'll try to explain it as best as I can.

Here's the situation;

Our family has been renting an apartment for almost twenty years now. During the early years, the old landlady we knew was nice to us, and she offered to even sell us the apartment once. Now, our family took her up on that offer. It was already agreed that the apartment would be ours soon once we slowly finished paying it. We even already fixed it up.

Now here's the problem. The old landlady died, and now, her family is denying our claim on the land, even after we paid them around P200K already. They refused to give us back the money. As an initial agreement since they can't return the money to us for reasons unknown, we decided to stay in the apartment as long as that 200K will let us equal to how much we usually pay for the rent. By computations, this will let us stay here until 2014.

Then recently, it seems the landlady's family is having a dispute between the children of the landlady on who actually owns the apartment we're living in now. One sibling wants to sell the apartment immediately, and is forcing us to move out so they can sell the property, offering to pay us the leftover balance of the time of our stay that we haven't used up. And they're forcing us to move out immediately.

My question is, do they have the right to do this after all they did to us? They denied us the money the owed us. If we got paid earlier, we could have moved out using that money and found a different place, not to mention if they just kept to the agreement, the place would have been ours. We had an agreement that we're staying until our time is used up, and we really do not have the capability to move somewhere else suddenly like this. We've been nothing but good tenants the past few years, and the problem has always been from their end. We were offered a house and we thought we had it, and they took that away from us. Isn't there some laws/rights regarding this? The annoying thing is that we're also caught between the sibling rivalry of the landlady's children, as they're arguing among themselves on who really owns the place. They keep harassing us and it's as if they're using as evidence/proof against each other.

All we wanted was a permanent home, not this. If any of you can give advice on this, I'd be happy to give more information regarding the matter.


Arresto Menor

do you have anything in writing?


Arresto Menor

Thanks for the response and I apologize for the lateness.

We had an acknowledgement receipt from the old landlady that has her thumbmark on it, documentation showing we paid them the money, and even receipts from the costs of fixing up the place.

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