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Another person's bank acct used to siphon money from an institution

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Arresto Menor

Hi everyone, here's the case:

Friends X an Y are facing possible estafa case filed by a bank. X used to work as the asst. bank manager. She asked Y, to fill out an application form for a checking acct in her bank. Y filled it out and affixed his signature. No questions asked because Y trusted X so much.

Everytime X wants to withdraw, she made Y sign a blank check. Y never checked the transactions & activities under his account. He had full trust on X. This happened for a year.

Now came the time when X revealed to Y that she actually used Y's acct to siphon money from the bank where she works. Y has no knowledge. His only involvement is agreeing to use his name to open an acct. & affixing his signatures in the docs and in the checks.

Now they are waiting for a possible estafa case from the bank, though the bank is not yet sure what criminal case to file.

Is Y criminally liable?

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