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SPA to withdraw money from a branch bank

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1SPA to withdraw money from a branch bank Empty SPA to withdraw money from a branch bank Mon Jan 07, 2013 10:18 am

Dan Pelagio

Arresto Menor

My father had a stroke last November paralyzing his right side of the body (he is right handed). He receives a monthly pension. His pension is being sent to Landbank of the Philippines - Marikina Branch because my parents resides in San Mateo, Rizal. They travel to Catanduanes twice a month and last 22 November 2012 he was rushed to a hospital in Virac, Catanduanes. He was discharged last 30 November 2012 and we broght him to Bagamanoc some two (2) hours drive from Virac because we have a house there. We are currently in Bagamanoc, Catanduanes. The available LBP here in Catanduanes is in Virac. When he was at the hospital in Virac, he was able to withdraw from his account because a representative fron LBP-Virac came to the hospital. Last 15th of December 2012, the cashier let us withdraw again even if there was no representative from their branch out of mercy i suppose. We were told that they will no longer allow a representative to withdraw since it is not their account. We are at lost, my father cannot travel because of his condition, secondly the LBP-Virac Branch cannot give us any advice on how to go about the situation. My mother and I takes care of my father. We do not have a clue on what to do. Would a Special Power of Attorney for me and my mother be sufficient? Thank you.

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