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Wrong deposited money in my Bpi acct.

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1Wrong deposited money in my Bpi acct. Empty Wrong deposited money in my Bpi acct. Tue May 15, 2018 12:58 pm


Arresto Menor

Sana po may makasagot

na end na po yung contract ko sa company after a week may na deposit sa aking acct. na 10k the prev. acctg. tx me na nag kamali po sila sa pag deposit. but then i was in the training at that time kaya d ko na balik .until now hndi ko pa na balik . . What course of action should I make? I don't have the amount anymore. I do not have plans to deny it, if I get questioned naman and will pay it. The thing is, nagastos ko na lahat, pwede ko bang bayaran paunti unti? Or am I obligated to pay the whole amount right away? Very Happy I think if I deny it I can be sued for theft, because the amount is not mine , the other thing is pina pa blotter po ako na wala na man ak0ng kasalanan, an0 po ba gagawin ko.

thanks po


Reclusion Perpetua

yes you obligated to return the whole amount right away.
pwede ka nila idemanda if hindi mo isauli right away.
Pwede bayaran ng pauti uti if pumayag yung company, if ayaw nila pumayag then they will have to file a case and a court will decide

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