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wrong deposited money in my account

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1wrong deposited money in my account Empty wrong deposited money in my account Sat Dec 10, 2016 8:35 pm


Arresto Menor

pls help.i think some one mistaken deposited money to my bank. 100k po ang nadeposit. i admit that its not mine pero dahil sa mga important needs ko i assumed not maybe its really for me. baka credits ko yon from online paluwagan that i joined before or what ever. as of now no bank yet called at me pero if ever as time passes by and they questioned me will they obligate me ba na bayaran ito instant?paano kung nagastos ko na ang pera? inisip ko kasi na hindi naman siguro pwedeng magkamali since name and account # dapat parehas when you deposit right? pls help kung ano ang magiging outcome nito.i know what i did is not right but still i thank God for this blessing and sana its really for me Sad

2wrong deposited money in my account Empty Re: wrong deposited money in my account Sun Dec 11, 2016 1:15 am

antonio ekis

antonio ekis
Arresto Menor

Normally somebody can deposit cash at BPI ATM using account number only. So if somebody made a mistake and report to the bank, then the bank will chase you for the refund. You may also check with your bank who deposited this amount under your account. Unless pinagnasaan mo na yung 100k.

3wrong deposited money in my account Empty Re: wrong deposited money in my account Sun Dec 11, 2016 1:27 am


Arresto Menor

sa nakita ko sa online ko at bdo it was deposited otc.

4wrong deposited money in my account Empty Re: wrong deposited money in my account Sun Dec 11, 2016 2:54 am


Arresto Menor

If you use the money knowing it's not yours, I'm sure it'll give your trouble in the future. If I were you, I would have called my bank first. Lalo na ngaun super dami issue na mali-maling transactions ng mga banks. You might be right that it won't be deposited w/o a matching Name and Acct number, but then, online banking is still just a computer base process, may chances pa rin na magka-internal error.

^^ So just to be on the safe side, report it to your bank, I'm sure they can trace where it came from. Mahirap na magbaka-sakali, iwas problema lang.

5wrong deposited money in my account Empty Re: wrong deposited money in my account Sun Dec 11, 2016 1:16 pm


Reclusion Perpetua

just make sure you can pay it the moment they demand for it. hindi pwede excuse ang nagastos ko na.

6wrong deposited money in my account Empty Re: wrong deposited money in my account Sun Dec 11, 2016 9:14 pm


Reclusion Perpetua

Probably it came from Santa Claus for the coming Christmas! Laughing Laughing Laughing

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