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Managers required to work 40 HRS per week?

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Arresto Menor


I'm a manager at a BPO (Call Center) is there a requirement for Managers which are exempt employees to render full 40 HRS per week work?

even though much of the time the person is online and answering emails/ calls even at home or outside the office?

clarity on this please as all I see in the net are 40 HRS per week is minimum required for employees who still enjoy OT, Holiday Pay and Night Differential.

Thank you.


Last edited by manager2k14 on Fri Aug 08, 2014 2:31 am; edited 1 time in total


Reclusion Perpetua

manager2k14 wrote:Hi,

I'm a manager at a BPO (Call Center) is there a requirement for Managers which are exempt employees to render full 40 HRS per week work?

even though much of the time I'm online and answering emails/ calls even at home or outside the office?

clarity on this please as all I see in the net are 40 HRS per week is minimum required for employees who still enjoy OT, Holiday Pay and Night Differential.

Thank you.


Are your emails and calls at home required?

Unless there is an agreement that you can consider your out-of-office activities included in your time worked, you are still required to complete 40 hours of official work at the office.


Arresto Menor

No it is not required but expected, my understanding of Exempt employee is that as long as all deliverables are met and accomplished, requiring a Time in and Time out is not a basis of how productive a Manager is.

is there an Article available that specifically says that 40 HRS of work per week in the office is required?

Reason behind this is because I am about to give a Show Cause memo for Time Padding which according to our Policies and procedures is Time padding (Misdeclaring true in/out time or overtime) did the employee which is a Manager as well misdeclare anything even though employee is not required to punch in/ punch out? there's also Door Access to our office and can I base employee's attendance on his first badge in?


Arresto Menor

follow-up on my other questions please.


Reclusion Perpetua

You are a manager and are bound to follow company rules and regulations. ABove all, the company needs your trust and confidence. Our Labor law has too slack protections for people like managerial in capacity. Besides, as a manager you should set as an examples and not as errand. That;s the reason why many companies fire their manager.


Arresto Menor

so there's no specific Article or provision governing this? i'm iffy in doing the show cause because the person might retaliate and file for illegal dismissal


Reclusion Perpetua

manager2k14 wrote:so there's no specific Article or provision governing this? i'm iffy in doing the show cause because the person might retaliate and file for illegal dismissal

who might retaliate?

I thought this is about you.


Arresto Menor

do I have a case here? if it's not written in my contract?

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