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Resigned Teacher

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1Resigned Teacher Empty Resigned Teacher Wed Jun 04, 2014 8:22 pm


Arresto Menor

Hello po! I have a question po. My friend, who was a teacher in a private school, resigned from his work last March 2014. May bond daw po silang matatanggap according to their administration. Kaso lang po ilang beses na silang nagpapabalik-balik sa school since April pa pero wala pang binibigay until now. Tapos po ang sabi pa eh hindi pa daw nacocompute ang bond nila at taxable daw po. Itong bond na to po eh yung kinakaltas sa kanila every pay nila. Ano po kaya ang pwede naming gawin?

2Resigned Teacher Empty Re: Resigned Teacher Wed Jun 04, 2014 8:24 pm


Arresto Menor

At di rin po pala sila binigyan ng kopya ng contract nila kasi po ipapanotaryo pa daw po.

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