I will try to keep my story short. I have been working for a BPO company for the last 3-4 years. During this time, I have incurred several memos which are of different cases under behavior. I have been penalized for all of them and these memos have already expired. A few days back I recieve again another memo for a minor offense however, the letter fully details previous infractions I have committed in the company for the last year and now has resulted in "Loss of Trust and Confidence" which I know is a terminable offense as I have seen alot of employees dismissed with this case. My questions are...
1. is it fair for a company to issue a Notice to Explain and then give a written warning to the employee after expalining during the admin hearing to the Legal adn Compliance leader that the previous offenses you were being charged for were a mistake.
2. is it fair to double jeopardize me with numerous past offenses which have already been penalized?
3. is it legal to terminate my employment due to a minor offense such as being late? If so is it legal to include past ofense which I have already been penalized for?
4. What legal actions can I take if they were to continue with the final memo's case? Would I have the option to resign instead?
I would appreciated your response attorney.