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Illegal Dismissal/Working with no Visa

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1Illegal Dismissal/Working with no Visa Empty Illegal Dismissal/Working with no Visa Tue Jan 28, 2014 3:30 pm


Arresto Menor

Hi Atty's,

I work for a company owned by Chinese businessmen. Most of the bosses are expats and have little to no knowledge of our Labor Code.

There's one manager from a different department who dismisses his employees without due process. He dismisses them for being absent even when the employees were able to advice him prior to being absent and were able to present medical certificates. Same thing with those who file for emergency leaves and for those who file for sick leaves without medical certificates. Same sanction for every case. Automatic dismissal without due process. No NTEs, no verbal/written warning, etc.

The problem is that the employees who got fired never even had the guts to complain. They just accepted whatever sanction was given to them.

My question is, can a concerned employee file a case at DOLE in behalf of those dismissed employees? Can the complaint be filed anonymously?


We have a lot of expats in our company. I asked my colleagues if they already have visas and they said that they were not required to have working visas while under probationary status.

Our HR would only apply for their visas after they were regularized (5-6 months of working under probationary status). Is this legal? Again, can I file an anonymous complaint to DOLE regarding this matter?

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