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Is it legal to ask for money to settle an administrative case?

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Arresto Menor

On 11/12/2013, I left my iPad behind in NAIA3 when I went to Singapore. I later realized that it was left in the final security check area of the airport (after they xray your bags).

To make the story short, we were able to view the CCTV footage in the airport and found out that members of the Office of the Transportation Security (those who check your bags in the final xray) took my iPad, wrapped it in newspaper and hid it out of sight from the CCTV.

We wanted to file a criminal case against them but the investigator in the PIID convinced us not to, because the members of the OTS surrendered the iPAD on Dec 1, 2013 and he said that if we pursue with the criminal case and miss a session that the case will just be dismissed and that it will be a great waste of time. We ended up deciding not to file a criminal case, and we were promised that they will help us pay for the repair of the iPad, which by the way was disabled probably because of multiple attempts to guess the password.

I got my iPad back but since it was disabled, all files in the device were wiped off. It has been over a month and we have been trying to get in touch with them to follow up. We are asking for 35 thousand pesos from them and we want to know if

1. Is this is against the law? I know this is a little more than the actual cost of the iPad, but since it is now disabled, my files were lost, some of my pictures in Cambodia and some of our trips were there which I truly value. Also I purchased a few apps for that iPad.

2. Considering that I got my iPad back, we want to know if we can still ask for money to pay for the inconvenience and for the files lost.

3. We later found out that the case cannot be dismissed right away if I miss to attend a session. We were made to believe this, so we decided to take the evidence home (but we are still keeping it unfixed) and to not file a criminal case against 5 employees of OTS who clearly (according to the CCTV footage) did not want to return the device and thus can be file a criminal case (theft).

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