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Active solemnizing officer with Inactive or Revoked SEC license

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Arresto Menor

Good day po attorney.

My father is a solemnizing officer for more than 20 years now. A few weeks ago, I found out that the religious sect that we belong to was already inactive or its SEC license may already been revoked since I couldn't find the name of our religious sect in the SEC database online. My questions are:

1. Is it possible to even solemnize marriage when the SEC license has been revoked? I believe he was still recognized by the NSO to solemnize since his NSO license is still valid until 2015.

2. If the SEC will acknowledge that the religious sect's license has already been revoked, will it declare a marriage voidable? How about the marriages solemnized a few years back? Will it become voidable also for the fact that the religious group's license has already been revoked for the past 10 years?

3. How can we know if our religious group's SEC license has already been revoked?

4. I searched the SEC website online and it doesn't give any result whether or not the said religion has been revoked already or just being inactive for a few years. How many years will it take before the SEC will declare a religious sect's license revoked?

5. If revoked, is it possible to use that same old name? Can it be revived just by complying the necessary documents such as the membership and financial records of every single year that the group was not able to comply with and just by paying the penalties incurred?

Thank you so much po.

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