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Sun Cellular Collection Letter

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1Sun Cellular Collection Letter Empty Sun Cellular Collection Letter Thu Nov 14, 2013 4:09 pm


Arresto Menor

Hi, I received a demand letter today from Lauron Delos Reyes & Partners (LDRP) stating that I nees to settle unpaid and overdue account amounting to more or less 4k. It was also mentioned in the letter that if I fail to pay the said amount within 5 days from receipt of letter, they will be constrained to file the case against me in Quezon City.

I'd like to ask if that is possible given that I am not a resident of QC, and the place where I applied for that postpaid line is not in QC as well. And also, the main reason why I decided to terminate my line is because of their failure to send me monthly statements.

Thanks a lot

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