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Own house on rented lot

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1Own house on rented lot Empty Own house on rented lot Tue Oct 22, 2013 1:32 am


Arresto Menor

Dear Atty.,

A year ago, we left our house which we constructed in a rented lot which the lot owner/caretaker had filed for demolition the same year ago because we failed to pay some rent.

Charges kept piling up which reached 50k+ and that neighborhood is really prone to fires and theft, so we decided to leave it and just slowly save money to have it demolished this year. We left that house because we decided to get a mortgage on a townhouse. This year, we've been sent a note that we need to have that house demolished up until Nov 2. But we found out that someone started to renovate our house to occupy it without notifying us.

What can we do to settle this?
Should we file to have that person abandon our house and stop their construction on it, or can we have them just pay for the house?
Do we still have the right to claim our house and have it demolished?

We were planning to have it demolished so that we can use all the materials in constructing a rental house for additional income. Yes, we were broke back then but we got up and started to improve on our mistakes and misfortunes.

Hoping for your kind advice.

Thanks in advance

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