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bp22 case

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1bp22 case  Empty bp22 case Thu Sep 09, 2010 4:19 am


Arresto Menor

Need info..Hi atty..I filed a bp22 case last april 2010 for 3 boucing checks due to closed account paid by a debtor to me. The LP prosecutors ofc scheduled preliminary investigations for 2 meetings, the respondent failed to attend. I understand that she should be penalized by the court for default but no warrant of arrest was issued. I kept on following it up but the status since june 2010 is resolution for review. How long does a review usually takes? After the resolution, what's next? Im afraid that the respondent can flew away because of the delay of this case. Should the court issue a warrant of arrest for the unappearance of the respondent on the subpoena sent to her? I hired an atty but he never followed up my case. He even asked for a budget or warrant of arest and later ound out that there was no such warrant issued.Pls advise and help. Thank you and God bless.

2bp22 case  Empty Re: bp22 case Thu Sep 09, 2010 12:10 pm



i would recommend to you to either switch attorneys or advise him to file a Motion to Resolve addressed to the reviewing prosecutor. review is supposed to take max of 30 days.

if you are afraid that the respondent will leave, you can request the DOJ to issue a Watch List Order while the case is still pending.

you are still in the process of preliminary investigation and no warrants of arrests are issued at this stage. and since this is bp 22, it will undergo summary procedure, and only if the accused fails to attend the arraignment will the court issue a warrant of arrest.

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