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HELP: advice on debt and custody

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1HELP: advice on debt and custody Empty HELP: advice on debt and custody Mon Jul 01, 2013 11:15 am


Arresto Menor

Here’s the situation, a family friend named Josephine recently came to the Philippines with her daughter who under 5 years old. It was in December 2011. We catch up on things. On her first week in the Philippines, she was gambling every night with the kid. As there was a funeral nearby (terembe). Obviously, her cash on hand will run empty so, Josephine said that she needed help with money because the money she had with her is limited and she also doesn’t have a job. Also, they were recently staying at an inn and had nowhere to stay. Their money was running low. And she said that there were so many papers to be filed to be able to return to Japan. Days passed, Josephine said that they have no money left so I let them stay at my home temporarily. I lent her money because she said that she needed to file for something (lalakarin) until the money I lent her amounted to more than 185k. She left her daughter with us and up until now, my family has been taking care of the kid. We have grown to love the kid. We fed her, gave her needs etc. We sent her to kindergarten. I recently got news that the mother, was just going to casinos. I am seeking for your advice on this matter. I tried contacting the father of the kid but according to my contact in Japan, the father doesn’t answer the calls. And our contact in Japan tried several times for that matter. It seems the father is somehow no longer interested in being reunited with his daughter because the father has another family. I need your advice in this matter on what I should do about the money I lent to Josephine and the wellbeing of the kid, because we deeply care for that child. Thank you

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