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bounced check

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1bounced check Empty bounced check Sat Apr 06, 2013 4:09 am


Arresto Menor

hi atty..

i would like to ask advice about bouncing check.. i have a friend who has debt amounting of 50,000.. She gave me 5 different checks amounting of 10,000 each and a total of 50,000 payment for her debts. I found out last year that the checks is bounced because theirs no insufficient balance in the bank. I want to file a complaint but What if she didnt appear in the conference? I heard she is already outside the country.. The check is issued to me last year july up to november. I hope you will give me advice what will i do.. thanks

2bounced check Empty Re: bounced check Sat Apr 06, 2013 4:57 pm


Prision Mayor

Keep the bounced checks marked by the bank as "insufficient funds". I had the same experience as yours, so I went to the fiscal office and brought the bounced checks plus the document stating the person's indebtedness. The fiscal served as my attorney and the charge was "violation of BP22, I think. It took some years before the case was finally settled and the person paid me the money without interest, and was penalized to pay indemnity to the court amounting to twice the amount the person borrowed from me. The person went as far as the higher court appealing the case, that took more or less 9 years. In your case, I don't know what action could be taken as you claim in your post that the person is no longer in the Philippines. That makes the difference. Good luck!

3bounced check Empty Re: bounced check Sun Apr 07, 2013 5:01 am


Arresto Menor


I went to one of the atty's of PAO in my town. He send a complaint letter to the family of the person and the conference is on monday. I don't know what will happen maybe her mom or dad will appear in the conference because she's no longer in the philippines.

4bounced check Empty Re: bounced check Sat Apr 20, 2013 9:12 pm


Prision Mayor

escada101 wrote:Ladie..

I went to one of the atty's of PAO in my town. He send a complaint letter to the family of the person and the conference is on monday. I don't know what will happen maybe her mom or dad will appear in the conference because she's no longer in the philippines.

Well, pray and hope that the family would make an agreement to pay you, maybe through remittance from that person who owes you... be wise in making any agreement, especially if the agreement will lose your subsequent complaint should she fail to comply with her obligations. I AM NOT A LAWYER BUT ONLY SHARING SOME WORDS OF WISDOM, SOME WIT FOR YOU TO THINK ABOUT. May God bless you and His Truth prevails over the issue!!!

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