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Is having sideline job valid reason for dismissal?

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Arresto Menor

Hi, my wife is working for 8 years in a multi-national company. She got a sideline job of as insurance agent in her free time - weekends and after-office hours. The company gave her a warning to stop else she will face risk of dismissal due to double employment. Is this valid? She is not receiving salary as insurance agent, she is not taking company hours as agent. The company has no existing policy of 'declaring' employee's other source of income.


Arresto Menor

Having a contract in a company prohibits an employee to work and be employed with other company that's an SOP. But there are companies who understand that havong a part time job s not a problem with them for as long as it doesn't affect the employee's working performance. Unless your wife don't have any contract as an insurance agent I think there is no reason for that company to dismiss her



if there is no conflict between the two positions, i don't believe it should be basis for termination.

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