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[b]Salary on Hold [/b]

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1[b]Salary on Hold [/b] Empty [b]Salary on Hold [/b] Sat Mar 16, 2013 11:24 pm


Arresto Menor


I want to consult something. I am facing a situation that my employer held my salary for March 15. This was because of the Return to Work Order they sent me saying that I have not come to work since Feb 19 where in fact I was on VL for some days and I have notified my supervisor that I cant come to work due to some matter. Based on the letter, it should be 3 consecutive days that you are on AWOL before before an rtwo is issued. I spoke to HR and found out that my supervisor sent an incorrect data. with that, It was confirmed by HR that my case is null and void. My problem is they still didn't release my salary even after the case is waived. I understand that they cant release the pay since we only spoke with it only on March 14 but what I was told is that they cant do anything about it and my salary will be onhold until the next pay on March 30. Since they waived the case, isn't it that they should get me paid as well since the reason of holding the salary was cleared and voided? Please I need help. Thanks.

2[b]Salary on Hold [/b] Empty Re: [b]Salary on Hold [/b] Sun Mar 17, 2013 12:52 pm



i recommend you make your ff ups in writing and request immediate release of your salary

3[b]Salary on Hold [/b] Empty Re: [b]Salary on Hold [/b] Wed Mar 20, 2013 4:40 am


Arresto Menor

Hi, Thanks for your reply. I spoke to our HR team to discuss about releasing my pay but what I was told is that there was a cut off of about 5-6 days before they unhold my salary but still, they will not release it anytime since it will be included on my march 30th pay. Is it still legal?
at the same time, I was told that theey have the capability to waive my resignation if I go AWOL again. Is it true? or is it that they only have the right to terminate me but not waive my resignation.
Also, what makes mo more upset is that I have 11 VL credits from last year to date. I would like to use it so I can go on terminal leave. I spoke to our operations manager that I want to use all of my VL. He said that as long as I go to work religiously for 2 weeks then I can use all my VL for 2 weeks but he didnt confirm it verbally. All he said was he will help me with my VL after I go to work for 2 weeks. I had an emergency within family that I have to attend to so I didn't come to work for a day. So what he said is that he will no longer approve my VL for 11 days because I was late and absent. There was nothing on the contract that I signed in the company that they will not approve my VL if I got absent or late. I know it was for the operations team to approve it but I guess they just dont want to approve it without a valid reason. Please help me. Sad

4[b]Salary on Hold [/b] Empty Re: [b]Salary on Hold [/b] Wed Mar 20, 2013 10:06 pm



approval of VL is discretionary, and yes they can declare you awol if you do not work during your notice period

5[b]Salary on Hold [/b] Empty Re: [b]Salary on Hold [/b] Wed Mar 20, 2013 11:53 pm


Arresto Menor

Thank you for your reply. So does it mean a company has the right to waive my resignation?

6[b]Salary on Hold [/b] Empty Re: [b]Salary on Hold [/b] Fri Mar 22, 2013 12:04 pm



it's a gray area, but imo, if the employee commits terminable offenses during the notice period, he can still be terminated.

i think it's stupid for the company to do it, but imo, they can.

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