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cheating foreigner husband

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1cheating foreigner husband Empty cheating foreigner husband Tue Feb 26, 2013 6:39 am


Arresto Menor

Hi, im married to a nigerian for 4 yrs now and i just found out that he is having sexual relationship with other women, some were paid some were not. All of them knew that he is married and has a child. I found a hidden phone in his car with all his sex contacts, inbox and sent messages about what they were doing. Can i use it to file a case against my nigerian husband? Pls i need ur advice asap coz if he will know that im planning about this, he might leave philippines right away. Thanx much in advance!

2cheating foreigner husband Empty Re: cheating foreigner husband Tue Feb 26, 2013 3:38 pm


Prision Correccional

Yes you can file a criminal case against your husband.Either Concubinage or Violence Against Women and Children.

The Revised Penal Code of the Philippine provides that:

Art. 334. Concubinage. — Any husband who shall keep a mistress in the conjugal dwelling, or shall have sexual intercourse, under scandalous circumstances, with a woman who is not his wife, or shall cohabit with her in any other place, shall be punished by prision correccional in its minimum and medium periods.

In your case, if you want to file a complaint for concubinage against your husband, aside from the cellphone contacts, your must prove that either he and his mistress commit a sexual intercoure under scandalous cirucmstances or that they live together either in your own house or in other house.

OR you can file a case for Violence Against Women and Children.

3cheating foreigner husband Empty Re: cheating foreigner husband Tue Feb 26, 2013 3:59 pm


Arresto Menor

Thanx for d response, yes i did some research and here's what i got:
Since concubinage is difficult to prove in court, it is better to file a case of psychological violence under RA 9262Republic Act 9262 or the "Anti-Violence Against Women and their Children Act of 2004” has now come to the rescue of women. Philandering husbands can now be charged criminally even for just ONE incident of marital infidelity under the “psychological violence” provision of RA 9262.
RA 9262 defines psychological violence as:“acts or omissions causing or likely to cause mental or emotional suffering of the victim such as but not limited to intimidation, harassment, stalking, damage to property, public ridicule or humiliation, repeated verbal abuse and marital infidelity. It includes causing or allowing the victim to witness the physical, sexual or psychological abuse of a member of the family to which the victim belongs, or to witness pornography in any form or to witness abusive injury to pets or to unlawful or unwanted deprivation of the right to custody and/or visitation of common children.”

4cheating foreigner husband Empty Re: cheating foreigner husband Wed Feb 27, 2013 7:28 pm



imo, those messages cannot be used as evidence because they were acquired without the consent of the husband.

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