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ground for termination? resign or wait for memo?

3 posters

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Arresto Menor

Hi, I am a regular employee of the company I'm working in now and last December filed a VL informing my manager thru text that I'll be out of the country for 5 days..I didnt receive any reply from him and thought it was ok as I have remaining 11 leave credits pa naman..had problems with roaming and didnt receive any messages after I left but that's a day after I texted him. And upon arrival, I received his text asking if I'm back to work I said not yet but no other text messages from him, so I didnt know there's a problem. then I got sick the day I should be reporting so I reported the following working day. Then, when I reported he called me and told me why I didn't ask permission in advance, I said I texted you but got no reply but I didn't think I won't be permitted as its the end of the year and got leave credits pa, then he said that's a grave offense and asked me to resign or I'll be sent a memo for termination process..any explanation will have no bearing at all but instead this will be recorded in my 201 file.. Will this be grounds for termination..I haven't received any memo or suspension regarding absences ever..badly needs your advice..thank you...

Last edited by effy101 on Sat Jan 12, 2013 3:35 pm; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : additional title for topic)


Reclusion Perpetua

effy101 wrote:Hi, I am a regular employee of the company I'm working in now and last December filed a VL informing my manager thru text that I'll be out of the country for 5 days..I didnt receive any reply from him and thought it was ok as I have remaining 11 leave credits pa naman..had problems with roaming and didnt receive any messages after I left but that's a day after I texted him. And upon arrival, I received his text asking if I'm back to work I said not yet but no other text messages from him, so I didnt know there's a problem. then I got sick the day I should be reporting so I reported the following working day. Then, when I reported he called me and told me why I didn't ask permission in advance, I said I texted you but got no reply but I didn't think I won't be permitted as its the end of the year and got leave credits pa, then he said that's a grave offense and asked me to resign or I'll be sent a memo for termination process..any explanation will have no bearing at all but instead this will be recorded in my 201 file.. Will this be grounds for termination..I haven't received any memo or suspension regarding absences ever..badly needs your advice..thank you...

What does your company policy state?

You are entitled to due process (notice, hearing, decision) before any decision of termination can be made.


Arresto Mayor

usually, when asking approval for long vacation leaves, it should be asked/approved way before the intended dates. the reason is to adjust any schedule/work/projects that will be directly affected. in some companies, txting as means of getting approval for VLs are not allowed since there are one party might not receive the message (request or approval).

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