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Awol after emergency leave was disapproved

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Arresto Menor

Hi Atty,

I've been working with my previous company for about 2 years and 8months and has not availed any vacation leave. In the company system I still have 11days leave and the company has online leave request however it does not allow to leave on month of december. So there i emailed directly to my boss to take emergency leave and at the same time vacation leave. However it was disapproved and because it was emergency I still go leave work and fly from cebu to manila to attend my wife mother since she's sick.

While in manila i still continue to text and call the company that I will be out for week. Then on December 26, 2012 HR texted me that i was already AWOL then last January 9 my family receive a letter of show cause which schedule me to for admin hearing. But then how can I go there since the date already passed. On stated date Jan 2 I coincidently visited the office without knowing that I had admin hearing during that day. I went to clear everything however i was not allowed to get inside the office.

Now i still not cleared though i keep texting my superior the schedule date of clearing but no reply from her.

Pls advise on what to do.





send a letter in writing or email to your managers and hr. retain proof that they received it. request that you be allowed to continue your duties and state everything that happened.

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