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Is ther such thing as Regular Project Employee?

2 posters

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Arresto Menor

Good day!

Please enlighten me with my current employment status for the last 10 years working with this private company.

What are the differences between a Regular Employee, Direct Hired and a Regular Project Employee(RPE)?

Thank you

tsi ming choi

Reclusion Perpetua

jACO28 wrote:Good day!

Please enlighten me with my current employment status for the last 10 years working with this private company.

What are the differences between a Regular Employee, Direct Hired and a Regular Project Employee(RPE)?

Thank you

Regular employee - you are performing usually and necessarily services to your company, stated otherwise, that if your services or job is to be disregarded, then the company cannot operate well.

Direct hired - You are hired/choosed by the company personally after you submit your resume to them or after passing any qualification test. The hiring or undertaking is not done through an agency.

Regular project employee - Every projects to be undertaken by the company, the RPE shall have the priority to be hired, being regular one for that SPECIFIC project.

You are serving for 10 yrs?, then, ask your job description,"is your job usually and necessary to the company?", wherein, if your job description is terminated, will the company continue to operate?

If YES, then, congratulation, you are a REGULAR employee. Very Happy


Arresto Menor

thank you sir for you reply... now i understand

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