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retained employees

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1retained employees Empty retained employees Wed Nov 07, 2012 3:47 pm


Arresto Menor

Good Afternoon! Our company retrenched some employees in our department because our job/work will be transferred to India, and some of us retained will finish some jobs and stay until India learned how to do our jobs. In our meeting recently, our director told us that there will be no more layoff and we will be train in other departments once the transition of jobs to India is done. Can we ask or demand our compensation first before we transferred to other department? They also re-hire some of our retrenched co-worker for 1 or 2 months because of back logs in our department. Is it legal? They have their compensation already and we have not. We would like to have your opinion and advice about this matter. Good Day and Thank You very much.

2retained employees Empty Re: retained employees Wed Nov 07, 2012 8:01 pm


Reclusion Perpetua

Those that were retrenched had their compensation but their years of service was reset to zero. In your case, your years of service is not affected. So for example you already have 3 years of service and after 2 years from now, you were offered retrenchment, you will get 5 years, the others that were already retrenched will only get 2 years.

3retained employees Empty Re: retained employees Fri Nov 09, 2012 9:27 pm



ellen, you have not been terminated yet; consequently the company can still transfer you.

4retained employees Empty Re: retained employees Sat Jan 12, 2013 12:10 am


Arresto Menor

thank you for your respond, were just afraid that they might do something to prevent us from getting our compensation, that they will just keep us waiting until we resign, just last year we had filed a case againt them about force leave but it's settled already, and now they have changed their company's name, they say that our benefits and contributions to sss and pagibig are continuous, only the company's name change, to have back our clients again, but we think for us its different, we would like to have your advice once again about this, thank you very much Wink

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