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To sue my husbands Mistress, possible?

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1To sue my husbands Mistress, possible? Empty To sue my husbands Mistress, possible? Tue Nov 06, 2012 4:12 am

broken hearted

Arresto Menor

Hello, reading all the posts here and came across one that asking if she can sue her husband's mistress. is that possible?

I have a copy of her confession's affair with my husband and photos together. The copy of my husband's message breaking up with me just to be with her.

My husband and his mistress both in the Philippines, while me here in North America, where can I file if possible?

Thank you so much.


Arresto Menor

I hope you could help thru your advises, My husband he is a seaferer, she just went home last July 24, 2012, but unfortunately there's something going when he arrived. to tell you the story shortly, he has a mistress he was with her when they on board on Ship, and until now they continue their relationship. The girl is married with the German husband too. My husband left me and I'm pregnant, he choose to live together with that girl, i dont if the german knows about it. he dont even communicate with me at all. i keep on texting his family asking for a help to win him back but unfortunately they dont aswer me at all and no communication also with them in short he just left me hanging alone. He even asked for annulment. (for what ground he's stupid right). My freinds saw him with that girl in my in laws house in short he always bring his girl in their house thats why my in laws doesn't want to communicate with me, they tolerating their Son/Brother. I want to file a case against them is just for me to block him at POEA and other shipping lines, what other case can I file against him?hope you could give me an answer for this. Thanks


Arresto Menor

One more thing what is Monetary case that i case sue to the mistress of my husband?, I know concubinage is hard to prove if i dont have enough supporting documents right?but i have witnesses is that will be ok?

Hope you could help me on this



Reclusion Perpetua

kraneerica wrote:One more thing what is Monetary case that i case sue to the mistress of my husband?, I know concubinage is hard to prove if i dont have enough supporting documents right?but i have witnesses is that will be ok?

Hope you could help me on this


it is the same how you will prove that your hubby committed concubinage.

5To sue my husbands Mistress, possible? Empty Re: To sue my husbands Mistress, possible? Fri Nov 09, 2012 11:35 pm



broken, you can file it at the place where they are residing.

krane, if he stopped sending financial support, you can file a case of economic violence under ra 9262 at the prosecutor's office. you can file a case for monetary damages against the girl in the courts.

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