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Legal advice regarding eviction from our house by an uncle acknowledged to be inheritor of house

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Arresto Menor

Hi all and thank you for taking the time to read this. I hope you can provide me with advice regarding this matter.

In the province, my family and I have lived in an ancestral house that belongs to our greatgrandparents. Several years ago, the land and the house that belonged to them had been divided. The house went to my grandfather while the land went to my grandfather's other siblings. Now, both my grandfather and grandmother are now dead.

My family has lived in that ancestral house since around 1992. Even though I transferred to Manila in 2000 to study high school, followed by my brothers several years afterwards, my parents have been living there ever since. For 20 years they are the ones who took care of the house and lived in it.

However, with the death of my grandparents, my mother and her 9 siblings have started to assign properties to each of themselves. My grandfather had the ancestral house and a plot of land uphill from the house. My grandmother had a large plot of land in another province. The plot of uphill from the house was to go to my mother, while my grandmother's land was divided up into the 9 siblings, while a brother of my mother had the ancestral house to be assigned to him.

The problem is that there is no assigned titles or deeds yet. These are just arbitrary decisions, which were dominated by the older siblings, of which my mother is not a part of since she is one of the younger ones.

With that, my mother's brother (my uncle) has come to the province (this is in Mindanao) and told my mother that she and her father should evict the house by April. From what I know, he plans to rent the house out, even though he has a family in Batangas and has lived in Manila/Batangas the past 15-20 years. My parents have lived nearly all their lives from the point during which my brothers and I were born. Due to some bad business decisions, we do not have a house that is our own, and I would not like to see my parents evicted from the house that they have resided in for 20 years. With regards to that situation, here are some points and questions I with which I would like to ask your help. Hopefully you can provide me with some answers.

-I would like to ask you what are the legal codes, laws, or regulations that can prevent this from happening.

-Is there any kind of law or code or regulation about house ownership after residing there for over 20 years, especially if there is no deed or title to the house?

-Is it possible to argue for the ownership or even extended residence to the house if the 20 years of residence are taken into account?

-Is the eviction of my parents as demanded by my uncle justified or can it be argued against?

Again, thank you for your time. I apologize if I made some mistakes regarding legal terms and such.



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