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SSS Maternity benefits

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1SSS Maternity benefits Empty SSS Maternity benefits Fri Aug 31, 2012 2:50 am


Arresto Menor

Goodmorning po attorney! Kailangan ko po sana ng tulong niyo. Ako po ay currently employed pero kasalukuyang nakaleave of absence. Next week po ay magsisimula na ang aking maternity leave. ang pagkakaalam ko po ay kailangang iadvance ng employer ko and benefit bago ang aking leave, pero ang natanggap ko lang ay 5000 pesos. Base po sa aking pagkakakwenta ay ang maximum amount na 30,000 ang dapat kong makuha, pero may dalawang buwan po na hindi nila binayaran kahit na nabawas sa sweldo ko. At the least ay 23,000 ang dapat kong makuha. Nanggaling na po ako sa HR ngunit wala po silang maisagot saakin kundi iffollow up na lang. Malapit na po ang due date ko at kailangan ko po sana ang perang yon. Ano po kaya ang pwede kong gawin upang makuha ang buong halaga na dapat na binigay nila? Thank you po!

2SSS Maternity benefits Empty Re: SSS Maternity benefits Fri Aug 31, 2012 10:53 am


Arresto Mayor

tawagan mo to mam sila makakatulong sayo

3SSS Maternity benefits Empty Re: SSS Maternity benefits Sat Sep 01, 2012 8:41 am


Arresto Menor

good day, my wife is currently working in a private co. just want to know if her maternity leave for 78days (CS in her case) will be paid by her company? or it is the same as the one where getting from SSS? and is there any law mandating a private company to pay them separately? thank you very much!

4SSS Maternity benefits Empty Re: SSS Maternity benefits Mon Sep 03, 2012 7:37 pm



the employer is just supposed to advance payment then they will claim from the sss for refund.

5SSS Maternity benefits Empty Re: SSS Maternity benefits Mon Apr 25, 2016 11:26 am


Arresto Menor

good day po! please help me!

I have a big problem po with my mat 2 reimbursement. my employer advanced 80% of my maternity based on normal delivery which has small discrepancy with the daily mat allowance based on sss website, they only granted 24 400 to me a month before my leave, 508.55 DAILY ALLOWNCE VERSUS 519.44 FROM SSS. I questioned it but they didn't take any action. just told me they will fix it once i gave birth. i gave birth via CEASEREAN SECTION last dec 9 2015. i passed all the necessary documents last dec 24 2015. they did not process it asap. i found online that it was only settled last feb 9 2016. they only settled the amount they advanced to me which was 24 400 so the sss status of my maternity WAS DECLARED SETTLED. i resigned on feb 13, 2016. i asked what does that mean because it was also stated that my maternity daily allowance was only 319+. i questioned it immediately again but they told me that they will process the remaining. i follow up for my status once again by march but they only told me they will do a payment advice. it was already 3 months. and up to date they told me there was a problem with computation but no clear explanation. i thought because of the daily allowance but when i told them that i will file a complaint they have told me that the PROBLEM WAS THEY FILED THE TOTAL AMOUNT OF 24 400 INSTEAD OF 40K. SO IT WAS REALLY IMPOSSIBLE TO GET THE REMAINING. PLEASE HELP ME. WHAT SHOULD I DO TO GET THE REMAINING P 16K?? THANKS AND GOD BLESS!

6SSS Maternity benefits Empty Re: SSS Maternity benefits Tue Apr 26, 2016 11:05 am


Reclusion Perpetua

nung ni file nila sa SSS pina sign ba sayo yung form?

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