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failure to appear warrant

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1failure to appear warrant Empty failure to appear warrant Sun Aug 26, 2012 1:00 am

mrs. villarin

Arresto Menor

Dear Atty,

this is an old problem that i failed to take care because of some much more important matters to take care. Now, that i finall have the time, i would like to know how can i solve this problem.

I actually would like to know how we can solve this. I don't exactly remember anymore how we issued the check but what happened was when a friend of ours ask us to be her co-maker we signed for you some documents and open a joint account with the person. She didn't pay, they ended suing us and we went to manila for the court hearing. after the court hearing we were sent to speak to somebody like a mediator to arrange with the other party, to meet ends and settle the problem. they had us signed a promisory note which is too much for us to pay. The loan is only php 35k but they want us to pay for 100k which we will pay for 2 years. we paid only paid for a year. we stop because of financial issues as well.. it was 2009 august or october , i can't remember now, that that me and the other co.maker stopped paying. that was also the time that the company lifted the case. so we were called to see the court hearing in november that year.. i don't know what happened next because I didn't hear from the court afterwards. i didn't receive any letters and i receive them normally from the office. year 2010, i already went abroad because i was accepted for a job and until now i am still here. now that my contract is ending and i'm going home. i wanted to solve this and wanted to know what is the first thing i need to do. also if i will pay the company, will my warrant of arrest for failure to appear be waived or will it be considered null and void?

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