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Reason to resign

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1Reason to resign Empty Reason to resign Thu Jul 26, 2012 5:56 pm


Arresto Menor


I'd like to seek for your opinion regarding this matter.

Last May 2011 pinasara ang office namin because there's an on-going investigation, then nilapit kami ng company by July 2011, May-July kahit na dapat stop ang operations namin, we were still asked to work continuously. Since may nangyaring ganon sa products namin, nahirapan na kaming pataasin pa ang sales nito, lagi kaming sinisisi ng boss namin sa mga nagyayari, when in fact there's also a shortcoming sa part ng management and the developers.

After the May incident, our office is not really a good environment, my korean bosses usually smoke inside the office, and when we complain bawal. In my previous post here I'm asking if I should be getting something from the 1st company na nagsara, like a severance pay,and according to the atty, there should be. Now, i tried talking with the HR and asked her about that, but she said there's none kasi we were absorbed as REGULAR Employee na agad, after that conversation nakarating sa management yun issue and then naging personal na sila sakin sa lahat ng bagay. And then just last July 3, naginspect ulit yung NBI sa office, (it was actually a raid) they confiscated some computers inside the office.For the 2nd time, natakot na ko, I don't know coz I'm thinking na baka may kaso na naman tong company na to and then they will establish another company, so lalabas sa resume ko in a span of 3 years, 2 company ang pinagtrabahuhan ko or more if another case will be filed by the NBI.

Then lahat ng mga ginagawa ko sinisita na,and tuwing may papa-revise sila na plans sakin they always ask me "TELL ME IF YOU CAN'T DO IT, JUST TELL ME" laging may ganon, which i felt being belittled kasi I've been working with them for 3 yrs now. It's like they're pushing me to resign. And there are instances na nasa conference meeting kami ng boss ko, he will start talking in Korea, which I don't understand but he sounded like mad coz he's kinda raising his voice. Then unfortunately I am sick right now I filed a sick leave, i got my med cert here, but during the time na may sakit ako, they kept on bugging me to do this and that. I love my job, I wouldnt stay here for 3 years for nothing. But it seems like the environment is not really good for me and I feel like i have to resign for survival and i know i still have a chance to build a career somewhere. Is my reason enough para magresign ako, or should I go on coz I love what i do? and if I resign, i should be getting the severance pay, last pay and pro-rata na 13th month pay and whatelse?

Feeling ko kasi sobrang unfair na, too much politics.


2Reason to resign Empty Re: Reason to resign Thu Jul 26, 2012 10:47 pm



one alternative would be to make a report to the nearest dole office so they can conduct an investigation into the office situation.

3Reason to resign Empty Re: Reason to resign Fri Jul 27, 2012 8:34 am


Arresto Menor

thank you attorney will do that.

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