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late registration for 5 months baby/ half japanese and filipino

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Arresto Menor

Hi There!

Just want to clarify things regarding on the late registration of my 5 mos. old baby,

I had a baby, with a Japanese Citizen man, wherein when I Planned to have her baptism, I had a hard time processing her legal papers as per in our Municipality I need to submit papers such as:Cert. of "no records on Civil Registrar", Certificate of "no records NSO", My Medical Confinement from my previous hospital, Vaccine Records of my baby,1 copy of her father's passport with three signatures, and Acknowledgement from her father's embassy as a true citizen of Japan.

My baby's Birth Certificate wasn't an authenticated Birth certificate yet,so this is my biggest problem till I cannot have the acknowledgement from her father.

Am I authorized to ask for the acknowledgement from her father's embassy, though I wouldn't inform her father regarding this matter,
Can you clarify me the true legal papers I need to process, for me to finally had her baptismal.

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