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Annulment obtained in USA is it recognized in the Philippines

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Arresto Menor

Atty, I have question regarding my situation I am married to 2 women at same time. I married my first wife last 12/01/09 she's a US citizen while I was by myself here in Philippines I have gone to a lot of relationship and fathered 5 children and my wife doesnt know about it then I met a young girl 16 years younger than me at my work place and in two months we got married she knows I am married to my first wife. My scenario Atty is , my first wife petition me to migrate to USA, I did chose my first wife over the young one. I am here now in the USA I did tell everything to my first wife and now I got an annulment here in the USA for void marriage of my second marriage, is it recognized in the Philippine law the annulment I obtained here in the USA. I just wanna make sure my second will not go after me or to my wife. My second marriage was 11/4/2010, is it automatic null and void since I am still married to my wife and I did not file an annulment to my first wife and It was a big mistake I made of marrying this young one but I have no choose it was a shotgun wedding. I wanna make sure my second wife won't file a bigamy she knows from start of our relationship that I was married man. I want to make things right.

Last edited by orly_bjhav on Thu Jul 19, 2012 2:16 am; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : Added more info)


Reclusion Perpetua

Hi orly_bjhav.

Your second marriage is void because it is bigamous; however, only Philippine courts can declare its nullity.

In my opinion the decree of annulment that you have obtained from the States still needs to be recognized by Philippine courts. So I guess if you want to have such decree to be binding here in the Philippines, you have to file a petition for recognition of foreign judgment.

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