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call center employment bond

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1call center employment bond Empty call center employment bond Tue Feb 21, 2012 6:18 pm


Arresto Menor

hi! im currently working for acall center. im planning to leave and file a 30 day notice this march. problem is i have signed a bond with them last year, march 2011. its a 2 year bond because they sent mefor training to canada. the contract said that after six months it is pro rated. my contract ends april2013. i have trained so many agents for them even without them chnaging my status and i remain an agent. i want to leave because i am offered a nursing job and this comes once in a blue moon. id like to take advantage of it. am i really binded legally because of this contract? i remeber they said dole doesnt approve bonds. is this included? my bond is worth 100,000+ no exact amount. says that it is the same amount of the expenses that the company shelled out for my travel. and yes they did process everything. but thing is, it's my client the company i trained with in canada that paid everything not the call center i work for. the client didnt ask me to sign any binding travel contract. thecontract was just between me and the call center, them claiming that the expenses were from them. which is notthe case. i really want to leave and dont want to pay the bond. i dont want to go awol too. i think ive done my share of training for them. any thoughts on whether they will file a case against me?

2call center employment bond Empty Re: call center employment bond Fri Feb 24, 2012 11:35 am


Arresto Menor

ihope that someone can share their thoughts about this.. thanks

3call center employment bond Empty Re: call center employment bond Sun Feb 26, 2012 2:43 pm



look up employment bond in the forum search function

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