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Corporation merger - employee's separation mandatory?

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Arresto Menor

Good morning!

if corporation A, B, C are merged into corporation X, are the employees of corporations A, B and C entitled for separation after the merger?
(employees where continually employed by corp. X)

Can an employee refuse employment in corp. X and get a separation pay?

Thanks and God bless


Reclusion Perpetua wrote:Good morning!

if corporation A, B, C are merged into corporation X, are the employees of corporations A, B and C entitled for separation after the merger?
(employees where continually employed by corp. X)

Can an employee refuse employment in corp. X and get a separation pay?

Thanks and God bless

what does the CBA or MOA of the different companies state?

Is there anything mentioned that would sanction the payment of separation pay in such an instance?

Arresto Menor

good afternoon counsel.

we don't have CBA or MOA. Also all of the employees do not know that we are now under corporation X bcoz no formal announcement have been made. And new policies are now being introduced.

Thanks for your time and God bless

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