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Arresto Menor


My husband and I were preparing for our wedding when I found out in his CENOMAR that he was married before. He paid someone to get a marriage license and that did it. He was released a marriage license so I decided to push with the wedding anyway since I am already pregnant (huge mistake!).

In the course of the relationship I was emotionally, verbally, and physically abused. A few years later I decided to leave him and separate - not legally though thinking that our marriage was void since he was already married prior to marrying me.He has his own relationship now and I have met a lesbian whom I am currently in a relationship with. My questions are:

1. Will having a relationship with this lesbian provide grounds for me to lose custody of my child?
2. is my child illegitimate due to my marriage to an already married man?
3. Given the situation explained above, what are the things that will make me lose custody over my child?
4. Is our marriage really void/invalid? If it is, how can I clear my status or turn it back to being single?

Thank you in advance for your advise, it is highly appreciated!!

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