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Contract Bond

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1bond - Contract Bond Empty Contract Bond Thu Mar 17, 2011 11:49 am


Arresto Menor

Good morning po Atty. Consult ko lang po ang contract ko sa current empoyer ko.

Meron po ako signed na 2 years Contract Bond na nag start last May 2010 to May 2012. Then, with the contract before po ng flight ko to abroad for training, binigyan nila ako ng cash and the summary of expenses to sign (included: Transport, meal allowance, hotel and training fee).

Kapag nag-resign po ba ako ang babayaran ko lang ay yung summary of expenses? or they will provide me the total cost of damages + the training cost? pwede po ba yun kahit hindi yun stated sa contract? Paano po kapag hindi ko kayang bayaran ang cost, makakasuhan po ba ako?

Ano po ba ang pwede kong gawin? maraming salamat po...

2bond - Contract Bond Empty Re: Contract Bond Fri Mar 18, 2011 11:11 pm



my position on a bond to just stay for nothing in return is that it is invalid. if it is because you undertook expensive training then it is valid. but that is just my opinion. check the wording of your contract.

your way out is to negotiate a release.

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