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Qualified Theft by A Foreign Corporation

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1corporation - Qualified Theft by A Foreign Corporation Empty Qualified Theft by A Foreign Corporation Fri Mar 11, 2011 2:05 am


Arresto Menor

Hi, I was working with a Hong Kong based company from December 2009 to December 2010. The Company is a Sub-contractor to the US company who does projects for the Armed forces of the Philippines. It is not registered in the Philippines until November 2010. I was given a secretary certificate tasking me to do all the requirements as such as business permits and legal documentation acquisitions and I was handling money. Sometime in December 2010, the boss who is a British National went to a hotel in Manila and called me up to sign over a document that states I have a 1.6 Million unliquidated.

The Company doesn't have a business permit, I was working for more than one year, I was the one that acquired all the necessary documentation to make the business legal in the Philippines. and all of the funding was sent to my Personal Account.

Now they are accusing me of Qualified Theft. What Shall I do?


Arresto Menor

I would also like to add to my inquiry, what happens first? shall I be detained? Can you please guide me through step by step, so I can expect them as it goes by, appreciate much of your advices. Thanks!


Arresto Menor

I was assigned in Basilan and Sulu without Insurances, the company did not pay for SSS, PhilHealth and Pag-Ibig, I signed an appointment contract but the contract says Hong Kong.

I wanted to get over these things and start a brand new life attorney. If you could help me step by step as to how I can counter their accusations, I do not intend to get me or them in prison nor I do not one neither of us to pay the other, I just want them to leave me alone.



what did you do with the money? it was given to you for a specific purpose which was to register the company. did you even file an application to the SEC?

I would not agree that you are liable for qualified theft; I would argue that you should be held for estafa for abuse of confidence if you are unable to account for the funds that were given to you.

nevertheless, you cannot be simply arrested, they will have to file a case against you first at the prosecutor's office.


Arresto Menor

I have done and registered the company with SEC, BIR and Business Permits even DTI. I was given the Secretary's Certificate that authorizes me to perform everything.. Thank You so much for your advise.



in that case, you should just account for the money that was given to you

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