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Child Custody

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1child - Child Custody Empty Child Custody Mon Jan 08, 2018 12:15 pm


Arresto Menor

hello po. I am single dad with a 7 months old baby boy. The baby was still 2 months when his mother gave him to me. The baby has been with me for 5 months now.

As it seems, the custody rights is with me basing that the mother did not provide any support and only visits the kid 1 every 15 days.

The mom wants to borrow the baby for a few hours but I did not allow it. Because I see the mom unfit and basically "hindi cla anag nagpapatulog ng bata if ang bata ay nag tatantrums.

Do I have the right to not allow the mom to borrow the kid?
Because I only see two rights. 1. is support 2 is visitation.

Borrowing of the baby is totally different case. Please advise.

2child - Child Custody Empty Re: Child Custody Mon Jan 08, 2018 3:25 pm


Reclusion Perpetua

If you are not married sole custody and parental authority belongs to the mother.

3child - Child Custody Empty Re: Child Custody Mon Jan 08, 2018 3:47 pm


Arresto Menor

Hi Jadis,

Yes I understand that. However, the mother gave the baby to me because she is unable to take care of the baby.

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