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Land Ownership

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1LAND - Land Ownership Empty Land Ownership Mon Jan 08, 2018 7:56 am


Arresto Menor

My biological family is informally buying an area for P70000. I took interest and wants to get at least the 30% of the property. Now, for context; they really don't have P70000 right now that is why I want to help them. Also, this piece of land area will be bought from my uncle, so the process of changing the ownership "legally" cannot be done at this time because of the long process, but is taken into consideration and hope to be processed this year. Our family, in contrast to traditional filipino families, happen to be individualistic and less emotionally connected than most filipino families. We all wanted to make this as neat as possible and far from legality disputes as we can. We are also slightly above poverty line so we cannot afford to hire a lawyer but we are open to the possibility of getting one in the future for this matter. I just want to make a consultation about this because I dont really have any ideas of how law works in this situation. Thanks!

2LAND - Land Ownership Empty Re: Land Ownership Mon Jan 08, 2018 12:11 pm


Reclusion Perpetua

is the title of the land under your uncle's name?

3LAND - Land Ownership Empty Re: Land Ownership Tue Jan 09, 2018 12:38 am


Arresto Menor


4LAND - Land Ownership Empty Re: Land Ownership Tue Jan 09, 2018 12:41 am


Arresto Menor

Not that we do not trust each other, we all just wanna make sure we won't have disputes or (forgive me for saying this) "monkey" business. Tnx for reply btw, i appreciate it.

5LAND - Land Ownership Empty Re: Land Ownership Wed Jan 10, 2018 4:28 pm



Look up samples of deeds of sales with partition. You should have the area to be sold surveyed first so that it will be clear in the technical description which part will be yours

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