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father's right to their child

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1child - father's right to their child Empty father's right to their child Tue Nov 21, 2017 12:03 pm


Arresto Menor

hi good day po. I have a partner right now and may anak sila nung ex nya. nilayo skanya yung bata nung naghiwalay sila. hes been trying to negotiate sa babae na gusto nya makita ang anak nila ans he is willing to give support but all he gets is bad response. ngayon po nag contact ang babae sakanya at gusto sya papirmahin na magttravel abroad ung bata kasama ung foreigner na bf nya ngayon, previously, nag message ung babae sakanya asking for death certificate and nagsasabi na ipapa adopt ang bata sa bago nyang bf. ayaw nyang pumirma na mag travel ung anak nila kasi takot sya na baka hindi na ibalik sa pinas. ngayon tinatakot sya nung foreinger na kakasuhan sya pag hndi sya pumirma at ipapa reimburse sakanya lahat ng gastos kapag hndi nkapag travel. may hold po ba sila na makasuhan yung partner ko?

2child - father's right to their child Empty Re: father's right to their child Tue Nov 21, 2017 12:29 pm


Reclusion Perpetua

Kung hindi sya nagsusupport sa bata, then yes the mother can sue him.

3child - father's right to their child Empty Re: father's right to their child Tue Nov 21, 2017 12:31 pm


Arresto Menor

he was trying to communicate with the mother and offers that he is willing to give support but the mom refuses.

4child - father's right to their child Empty Re: father's right to their child Tue Nov 21, 2017 12:41 pm


Reclusion Perpetua

then if she sues him, he can use this as his defense. but it would be up to the court on how they interpret the situation.

5child - father's right to their child Empty Re: father's right to their child Fri Dec 08, 2017 2:25 pm


Arresto Menor

Hi po. Im a dad of a very gorgeous 1 year old son who is very dear to me. I juat have a very big problem, my girlfriend of 10years doesnt want me to see my has lots of demands like do this and do that. And me i want to do everything just for my son and she knows she has the ace card on me everytime. I was thinking of filing a joint custody. Do i have any grounds ithat the court will grant it to me? Please help.

6child - father's right to their child Empty Re: father's right to their child Fri Dec 08, 2017 2:41 pm


Arresto Menor

I always do what she wants, like buying and doing stupid stuffs even not seeing my close friends because she doesnt want to. Me thinking everything will be ok if ill follow her. But it has become worst

7child - father's right to their child Empty Re: father's right to their child Fri Dec 08, 2017 2:41 pm


Arresto Menor

I always do what she wants, like buying and doing stupid stuffs even not seeing my close friends because she doesnt want to. Me thinking everything will be ok if ill follow her. But it has become worst

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